About Christopher M. Bland
Dr. Christopher M. Bland is the Albert W. Jowdy Professor in Pharmacy Care at the University of Georgia College of Pharmacy at the Southeast GA campus in Savannah, GA. Dr. Bland has nearly 25 years of academic and clinical experience both in the inpatient and community patient care settings. He is a Fellow of both the Infectious Diseases Society of America as well as the American College of Clinical Pharmacy and has been named Teacher of the Year at the University of Georgia College of Pharmacy. He is co-author of the book "InteGREAT: A Guidebook for Creating Great Healthcare Teams."
He is co-founder of the Southeastern Research Group Endeavor, SERGE-45, with nearly 100 practitioners across 14 states involved. Dr. Bland serves as Associate Editor for the NAPLEX Review Guide 4th edition as well as upcoming 5th edition, as well as the Editor-In-Chief for the Question of the Week. He has provided hundreds of hours in live, interactive NAPLEX reviews for more than 10 Colleges/Schools of Pharmacy over the course of his career.
Recent Comments
Kindly levofloxacin is not recommended in pregnancy as it may cause bone toxicity for fetous and increase the risk of fetal carttilage...
Correct. The first line of the case states that the patient is not pregnant and therefore would be eligible for levofloxacin.
Answer choice C comes out to 45 units not 50 units as stated in answer key but the reasoning still holds. Good question like many others!
Thank you for your input!
Thank you I added to the question! Fortunately lisinopril is not associated with QTc prolongation.
The question asks regarding Fluoxetine and all the answers are indicated as correct, however, answer choice A indicates a different medication, paroxetine.
Thank you Angel! I have corrected this as you are correct it should have been fluoxetine. The principle outlined in answer A would apply to either drug as this is true for all SSRIs.
Thanks for the question. Even E is correct, the first line says B is a correct answers, which letter says opposite
It is corrected now thank you.
Hello Dr. Bland,
Doesn't methotrexate also suppress the immune system, and thus making the patient ineligible for both vaccines even before starting etanercept? or are the low doses of methotrexate used in RA not immunosuppressive like those used in chemotherapy?
Thanks so much for your strong work. I like your channel a lot and this how far back I have gone!
Hi Ahmed- You are correct in that for potent immunosuppressants this would be an issue. Since these are low doses of MTX (< 20mg weekly) they are generally okay. Hope this helps and thanks for your kind words.
In above question, Levetricetam concentration expected drop by 50% with tryclcen(COC), in the question not only concer for reductions in COC concentration which can lead to pregnancy but reduction in concentration of Levetircetram which can lower seizure threshold. Here correct answer would be Divalperox because its non enzymes inducing class of AEDs.
Hi Faiyaz- Thank you for your inquiry. I went back and rechecked for an interaction with levetiracetam and Ortho Tri Cyclen both within the package insert and using Lexi-Comp software. Both sources found no interaction between the two agents. Ortho tri cyclen can decrease serum concentrations of valproic acid (or divalproex) by approximately 18 and 29% so serum monitoring may be warranted. Therefore I will update this information in question. Thank you.
Hi Dr. Bland,
I have some questions regarding this question. Is naloxone available as inhalation? I'm not familiar with that product. Perhaps I'm confusing dosage form vs route of administration? For example, the injection can be used as inhalational therapy (off label), but it's a solution dosage form. Same for the intranasal products which now there is a product available, but we used the solution for intanasal use for many years. I may have the wrong thought process surrounding this. Thank you.
Hi Matthew- Thank you for your question and very sorry for the delay in response as I'm just seeing this. I agree that the inhalation is more of an off-label usage and would not be the most appropriate answer as the exam mainly focuses on "on-label" uses. Therefore I'm going to modify this to just B and C. Thank you for your attention to detail!