Community Policy
McGraw-Hill Education encourages all Access User Center participants to:
- Ensure your contributions are relevant to the network topic.
- Ensure your contributions are not of a promotional nature.
- Be yourself. Please never impersonate someone else.
- Respect user privacy. Please do not post anyone's personal details or contact information.
- Cite your sources when using quotes or paraphrased comments.
- Respect copyright. Please make sure you have the right to reproduce material before you post it on the Access User Center.
- Remember that this is a public forum. Once your contribution is online, everyone with Internet access may be able to read it. Don't forget that you are legally responsible for what you submit. Please consider how others could perceive your contribution.
- Be polite. Please do not use swear words, profane, crude or sexual language.
- Refrain from libel and abuse. You may not make or encourage contributions that are: defamatory, false or misleading; insulting, threatening or abusive; obscene or of a sexual nature; offensive, racist, sexist, homophobic, or discriminatory against any religions or other groups.
- Report inappropriate content. Please help us maintain high standards of participation. If you consider that a contribution does not comply with this Policy, please report it
McGraw-Hill Education reserves the right (although not the obligation) to take down any contribution that it feels to be unsuitable, or which is reported as being unsuitable. In such an instance, the person that made the contribution will be notified. If you are aware that contribution has been removed, you must not deliberately resubmit the same contribution.